Classical Dance Tour - Trip Alfresco



The Great Indian Dance tour is vibrant and unique journey highlighting various classical and folk Indian dances from four states, cultural and traditional art forms, exquisite cuisines and natural vegetation. An ideal journey for art-lovers and in depth cultural explorers.

The ancient Indian culture have developed several dance forms differing from region to region either as classical or as folk. While todays national academy of performing arts, the Sangeet Natak Akademi, recognise eight different classical dance forms, whereas the root, the Natya Shastra, endorses many more forms.

Explore the vivid and vibrant dance forms of India along with exposure towards different cultures, traditions, cuisines, handicrafts, ethnic wears, arts and tourism.


Bharatanatyam tour

Dance is an integral part of Indian culture and traditions, and Bharatanatyam is one of the important classical dance forms in India which originated in Tanjore district of Tamil Nadu in India. It is believed to have originally been performed by temple dancers in the Hindu temples of South India where it enjoyed Royal patronage and religious devotion.

It has a history of over 2000 years old and believed to be revealed by Lord Brahma to Bharata, a sage who codified this sacred dance in Sanskrit text called Natya Shastra; one of the fundamental treatises on Indian drama and aesthetics.

It is performed by women, mostly, and men to traditional South Indian Carnatic music accompanied by a vocalist and instruments like the violin, flute and the mrudangam.

Bharatanatyam costumes resemble Indian Saris, but are specialised to allow the dancer to perform with ease. These saris are bright and colourful. The ankle bells, or the salangai in Tamil, along with other jewellery like bangles, rings are worn.

The ankle bells allow the audience to hear the rhythmic footwork of the dance. Red dye is applied on the hands and feet of dancer to emphasise the hand and feet movements.

Come join us on this unforgettable journey, celebrating this ancient dance form of Bharatanatyam. We explore some of the primary dance schools and academies, in India, who have been educating, practicing and promoting this art for several decades. Along with that, we will visit several temples, of ancient (of 1000s of years old) India, which are closely associated with this dance form.


Kathak tour

Kathak, one of the major forms in Indian classical dance, originated and popular in the northern part of India by nomadic poets of this region called kathakars or storytellers. Great epic and mythology narrated by these Kathakars in the form of dance, songs and music. The rhythm of foot movements, adorned with small bells (Ghungroo) forms the basis of Kathak.

This evolved dance from oral tradition to enactments and performances in the Mughal courts, later a scorned art during the British raj and then the revival after post independence era. The dance form has three different forms, called Gheranas, are prevalent in three major cities: Jaipur, Lucknow and Benaras. Each of these Gheranas vary in their relative emphasis between enactment and footwork.

The tour allows to observe closely each of these different Gheranas of Kathak in these three cities with close interactions with prominent dancers, artists and experts. While getting acquainted and introduced of these dance forms, you will tour around the wonderful touristic spots, specialties of these areas and delicacies that will leave you smacking your lips for more. Come, experience one of a kind dance tour along with sightseeing of a few touristic north Indian cities.


Odissi tour

Odissi was a form of temple worship dance performed by Devdasis. This dance form originated in Orissa, now known as Odisha and from archaeological evidence it is said to be the oldest dance forms.

Odissi is performed to music accompaniments. These instruments include flute, cymbal, sitar and the dancer wears beautiful traditional sari and filigree silver jewellery. The jewellery is always silver or white. The dance places emphasis on independent movement of the head, chest and pelvis and the square stance symbolising Lord Jagannath. The dance celebrates the eternal love between Lord Krishna and Radha.

This dance form was patronised by the Mughals which caused the loss of religious and spiritual aspect of Odissi. Today this dance form remains one of the most popular classical dance forms of India.

On this trip you will visit temples and witness spectacular dance performances and interaction with dancers. There is no doubt you will be mesmerised by the beauty of Odissi. Visit Odisha with us and discover Odissi in its truest form.